Much Loved Schnauzer 2

I am a very busy girl, especially on Fridays. I havin a lot of work to do in mine home. I have to stand at mine window and bark and I have to havin my naps and a eatin mine food. I also havin' to take care of mine many children. I will show you mine family portrait. I not havin' real puppy babies, so mine mom is thinking that I need to havin' all of these other babies to take care of. Really though, I startin' to wonder why she is givin' me so many, I really very busy and I havin' to play with all of them all the time. Don't tell mine babies, but I havin' a few favorites, who are very beautiful, like mine, who I workin' very hard on. See, look at them, Ed, my hyena, and Elon, mine schnauzer baby, and Brown Dog. They are all so pretty, they are takin' after me.

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