

Welcome to the Jewish realm of the underworld known by the name Sheol. It is also known as “The Pit” or “The Land of Forgetfulness.”

The realm is an underground abyss which is the next step for all of the souls who die, the virtuous and sinners alike. It is a dark and bleak place without punishment or reward for those who enter. Those who are found in this location are referred to as rephaim or the “shades.” They exist there in a dusty sleep of silence.

The souls go to Sheol as a holding place since they are thought to have eternal life. They will move on to Olam Ha-Ba referred to as “The World to Come” which is interchangeable with Gan Eden or the Garden of Eden. When this world comes to being, the unrighteous will be sorted from the righteous on Judgement Day. Sinners will spend a year’s time in Gehinnom which will be a place to repent from past misdeeds. This is said to be a fiery place, but it is yet to exist.


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