The color RED has so many fun facts and means so much....


-Because of its visibility, stop signs, stoplights, brake lights, and fire equipment are all painted red.1

-It's considered good luck to tie a red bow on a new car.1

-Red is the color most commonly found in national flags.1

-Red is the most emotionally intense color and stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing. 2

-Red gets things noticed and is often used in advertising. 2

-Since it is an extreme color, red might not be a good color in negotiations or confrontations. 2

-Red is usually used as an accent, it attracts attention.2

-Passion, enthusiasm, energy, abundance. 3

-The most emotionally intense color, red stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing. 4

-Red is the color of love. 4

-Red clothing gets noticed and makes the wearer appear heavier. 4




Read about the meaning behind RED flowers

Read about other color meanings

List of sources