So you think you understand Japanese writing?

We see.


We use Kanji in Japan existentially. All Kanji is borrowed from Chinese.

Since we did this, Kanji characters may have more than one pronounce.

            Kanji 漢字 − is used in most japanese words

For example: The kanji for big is: . This may be pronounce two ways:

            Chinese way (called the on reading): dai or だい.

            Japanese way (called kun reading): oo or おお.


            The readiing depens on what combonation of other kanji you use:

            大学, pronounced daigaku uses the kanji dai (big) and gaku (learning).

            Because the two kanji are used together the on reading forms the sounds.

            Incidently, 大学 means University.


            大きい, pronounced ookii uses just the kanji , (big).

            Because the kanji is by itself it will just be pronounced oo or .

            This is the kun reading. 大きい is the adjective for large or big.


Think you got it, hotshot???

Simple Kanji(簡単 漢字)    Japanese Slang and Beyond 

Hiragana(ひらがな)    Katakana(カタカナ)    Write your name in Katakana